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Welcome to Arkan

for High Schoolers!

Grades 9 - 12
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Our curriculum is a well rounded study that caters to all teenage Muslims today in the Western world in a simple and engaging way. The curriculum has been adopted by hundreds of institutions around the world to make your child's journey of seeking knowledge easy, meaningful, & dynamic. It covers topics in the life of the Prophet (PBUH), Tafsir, Hadith, as well as topics that teens in this generation face and have challenges with.       

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  • The book follows a unit based structure, featuring units such as Essential Knowledge, Essential Beliefs, Fiqh (rituals and rulings), Islamic History, Contemporary Issues, Islam and the Social world and Spiritual and Moral development.

  • The national curriculum has been thoroughly consulted in order to ensure the content in our books is relevant, appropriate and meaningful to young Muslims and teachers, today. This includes consideration of subjects such as RE (Religious Education), SRE (Sex and Relationship Education), the humanities, as well as objectives such as SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development), life skills and citizenship skills.

  • Detailed and authentic content will allow learners to fulfil their religious rites and duties in an informed manner through learning, understanding and embodying the Quran, Sunnah and the rich Muslim scholarly tradition.

Tuition & Schedule


Tuesdays & Fridays 

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM



10% off each additional sibling


First Day of Class:
Friday, September 10th

We are excited to see you are interested in signing up for Arkan! Here is what is next: 

1. Fill out Application with tuition included 

2. Once we receive your application, someone from ICSI will contact you in regards to first day of class, books, and the option to come to ICSI to speak with the director of the program.   

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